Leadership Communication

Leadership is a subject which always fascinate me and seduce me to read whatever it comes to my hand about it to learn more about the main characteristic of the leaders.

There are different leader’s characteristics as all you know like “vision, Integrity, empowerment, encouragement, setting the example, communication, planning, sharing leadership, developing, controlling performance, flexible, supportive, team worker and many others. The researchers and writers put these skills in different ranking to figure the top 10 leaders qualities.

However, it was rare for me to find that most of the books and researches did not consider the communication skills as the second skill after the vision. I believe visionaries would not succeed without sending the message right and transparent to their teams. Communication is not about sending the message only, it is also having the quality to listen, to convince, to influence and to get the buy in.  I think not having such qualities on the leader resulted on a corrupted leader who leads to disasters (if we call them leaders).

Therefore, leadership starts with a vision. This vision will work when it touches, effect, inspire and add value to people. A person might have a vision and work hard to achieve his goals using people.  His vision usually ends early without having the chance to be bigger because its centralized around him and his personal goals. However, leadership to embower people makes sustainable achievements for communities and business because the idea never dies if the leader died or replaced.

Therefore, communicating the vision allows teams to understand it and adopt it. It guarantees it is for all. It covers what’s for me gen inside normal people. It allows for the vision to continue to change to the better not just the near community but to impact positively the whole world.

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